


최고의 유산: 믿음

내가 사랑하고 존경하는 친할머니의 제일 첫 기억은 아마도 내가 다섯살 쯔음에 할머니와 미용실에 앉아서 뽀글머리 파마를 같이 하고 있는 모습이다. 할머니의 전형적인 한국 아주머니 파마를 보고 그게 예뻣던지 고집없이 자란 내가 할머니께 나도 파마 해달라고 때 썻다고 한다. 그래서 나도 할머니 옆에 앉아 난생 처음으로 대한민국 아주머니 뽀글머리 파마를 하고 미용실 언니가 파마롯드를 풀때 좋아서 혀를 쑥 내밀고 발을 동동 구르던 기억이 난다. 

나와 내 남동생의 손을 잡고 시장과 마켓에서 반찬거리 5,000원 어치를 사고 집에 가는 중 동생의 고집에 못이겨 18,000원 짜리 롤러스케이트를 사들고 집에 들어가시던 할머니 기억도 선선하다. 

서울 사는 우리가 대구에 내려갈때마다 할머니가 직접 쑤신 쑥떡도 얼큰한 빨간 전구지 국도 생각난다. 크레파스와 스케치북, 햄버거, 짜장면.. 우리가 좋아하는 모든 것은 아낌없이 배푸시고 사주신 할머니… 

그런 할머니는 항상 절약하시고 아끼시고 매사 검소하게 사셨다. 할어버지 입으시다 떨어진 옷 꾀매어 할머니가 입으시고, 샘플로 받은 로션 사용하시고, 좋은 선물 받으셔도 교회에 불우한 성도들께 나누어 드리는 그런 분 이셨다. 그렇게 모으고 모으셔서 우리 가족이 미국 이민올때 힘들지 않도록 보태주셨다. 덕분에 목회자 자녀였던 나와 내 동생은 부유하진 않았어도 금전적인 이유로 힘들진 않았던것 같다. 

어릴때 두 부모를 다 잃고 고아로 자랐어도 교회에서 하나님 열심히 섬기고 모든 이들에게 칭찬 받으시던 할머니께서는 교인이 맺어주신 선 자리를 통해 우리 할아버지를 만나셨다. 6.26 전쟁 참전하셨던 할아버지를 만나시고 몇주 안돼서 곧 결혼 하셨다. 불교 중의 불교… 중이셨던 증조할아버지께서 선교사님을 만나 기독교로 개종하신 후, 늦게 결혼 하셔서 할아버지 형제들을 낳으시고 신앙생활을 중요시 여기며 자녀 신앙 교육에 힘쓰셨던 덕분에 우리 할아버지는 결혼 하신 후 곧 전도사가 되어 하나님 말씀을 전하시는 사역자로 크게 쓰임 받으셨다. 그렇게 사모가 된 우리 할머니는 누가 봐도 겸손하게 말없이 사역자 남편을 내조 하며 3남2녀 자녀들을 혼자 양육하고 교회를 위해 항상 기도하셨다. 

여러 교회 개척을 도맡아 여기 저기 부름 받으시고 항상 산에 기도하러 가시고 집에서는 성경말씀 읽고 설교 준비하시는 할아버지는 목사로서 100점이셨으나 아마도 남편으로서는 50점도 못 받으셨을것 같다. 그런데도 할머니는 그것을 하나님께서 주신 사명으로 받아드리고 묵묵히 속앓이 하면서 아내의 자리에서, 엄마의 자리에서, 그리고 사모의 자리에서 빛과 소금의 역활을 감당하셨다. 

하루는 구역예배 참석때문에 집에 계시지 않았을때 아빠의 5학년 남동생이 쥐불놀이 하다가 크게 화상을 입게 되었다. 중학생이었던 아빠가 동생을 업고 응급으로 병원에 뛰어 갔고 예배 후에 연락을 받으신 할아버지 할머니께서는 정말로도 처참한 이야기를 의사한테서 들어야 했다. 화상이 너무 크고 깊어서 바로 피부이식 수술을 들어가야하는데 너무 어린 아이라서 피부가 모자르다고 했다. 할머니께서는 바로 자기의 살을 배어 사용하라 하셨고 수술을 기다리는 중 삼촌은 하늘나라로 가셨다. 아들을 하나님 품으로 일찍 보내셔야만 했던 할머니는 내내 마음 한켠에 삼촌을 생각하고 마음에 묻으셨다. 

아빠의 누나도 43살에 위암으로 일찍 세상을 떠나시고 하나님께로 가셨다.  우리 고모… 할머니는 큰딸도 마음에 묻으시고 살아가셨다. 자녀를 잃은 아픔으로 성도들과 힘든 사람들의 마음을 더욱 더 해아리고 이해하시면서 사역하셨다. 할아버지가 은퇴하실때까지 미소가 아름다우시고 정말로 착하신 사모님으로 계속 사역하셨다. 교회 사역 은퇴 후에는 구미에 있는 타교회에 경로대학 원장으로 할아버지가 섬기시고 할머니도 노인들을 위해 북놀이, 춤, 찬양, 만들기 선생님으로 봉사하셨다. 

나는 미국에 계속 있었지만 할머니와 종종 통화할때 항상 하나님 말씀에 순종하고 신앙생활 열심히 하고 말씀과 기도생활 하며 부모님 말씀 잘 들으라고 당부하셨다. 나의 초, 중, 고, 대학교 졸업식에 빠지지 않고 참석하시고 축복해 주시고, 임마누엘 전도사와 교제할때 부모님 반대에도 할머니는 나를 응원해 주셨다. 부모님은 내가 사역의 길로 가는것을 반기지 않으셨지만 할머니는 사모 만큼 값지고 제일 행복한 일은 없다고 격려해 주셨다. 고령에 계실지라도 손녀 은진이 시집간다고 몸도 불편하신데 마다하지 않고 미국에 오셔서 임마누엘 전도사와 내 손을 꼭 잡고 축복해주셨던 할아버지 할머니가 생각 난다. 결혼식 바로 전날 할머니께서 내게 사모가 되면 힘들고 많이 외로울수도 있지만 하나님을 의지하고 하나님께서 주신 사명이라 생각하라고 조언해주셨다. 남편은 나의 남편이기 이전에 하나님의 사람이라고 말씀해 주셨다. 나도 가끔 남편이 교회일로 집에 없거나 나 혼자 육아를 부담해야 할때 외로울때가 있지만 할머니께서 내게 말씀해 주셨던 “하나님의 사람"을 기억 하면서 하나님을 의지하고 남편을 위해 더 기도할수 있게 되었다. 아마도 할머니의 경험과 노하우가 나를 조금 덜 힘들어 하는 사모로 만들었지 않았나 싶다. 

치매가 시작되면서 할머니는 성경쓰기에 집중하셨다. 2018년 부터 2022년까지 성경을 창세기 부터 요한계시록 까지 네번이나 필사 하셨고 할아버지는 공책이 한권씩 채워질때마다 어디서 부터 어디까지, 언제 시작해서 언제 끝났는지 기록하시고 할아버지 서재 책장에 꽂아 두셨다. 이것을 보면 할아버지께서 얼마나 할머니를 사랑하시고, 생각하시고, 아끼셨는지 알수 있다. 

내가 할아버지 할머니께 영상통화 할때마다 “누구세요?” 라고 물으셨지만 보실때마다 “아이고 참하네요~신앙생활 잘 하이소~” 라고 당부 하셨다. 내가 손녀인지는 까먹었지만… 신앙생활 열심히 하라고 항상 당부하시는 할머니 보면서 정말 나는 축복받았다고 생각했다. 이세상의 부유함 보다 더 값지고 중요한 신앙을 물려주신 할아버지 할머니께 너무 감사하다고 생각했다. 

지난 10월 1일 할머니는 내부출혈이 있었는데 지혈을 못해 90세에 생을 마감하시고 소천하셨다. 급히 한국에 나갔지만 할머니를 보지 못했고 도착했을때는 할머니 영정사진 밖에 보지 못했다. 임종예배 입관예배 참여는 못했지만 발인예배와 하관예배를 같이 드렸다. 이 세상에는 더 이상 내 할머니가 계시지 않아 너무 슬프고 마음이 아팠다. 하지만 말로 표현할수 없는 평안과 위로가 있었다. 슬픔도 있었지만 기쁨과 감사가 넘쳤고, 할머니가 보고싶없지만 하나님 옆에 계실 할머니 생각하니 이보다 더 좋은 것은 없다고 생각되었다. 

십자가 보혈, 천국 소망, 구원의 확신이 있어서 죽음이 있을지라도 평안과 위로, 기쁨과 감사가 있음을 느끼고 또 느끼게 되었다. 할머니의 삶을 통하여 나는 사모로서의 사명을 다시 다지고 간직하게 되었다. 지금 남편과 사역하고 있는 이곳, 충현선교교회에서 우리는 정말 중요하고 중대한 일을 감당하고 있다. 어린 영혼들이 하나님 아버지를 알고, 믿고, 사랑하며, 순종할수 있도록 기도하고 지도하는 일에 더욱 더 힘쓰고 내 삶에 주어진 날들 가운데서 주변사람들에게 복음을 전하는데 더욱 전념하는 사역자 부부가 되어야 겠다고 다짐하고 또 다짐 한다. 다음 세대에도 신앙의 유산이 물려지고 믿음이 자라고 예배가 끊이지 않는 것이 나의 바램이고 목적이다. 지금 부르신 이곳에서 예배가 삶이 되고 삶이 예배되도록 순종하며 살아가겠다.  


what a day.

somebody's good day 
can be 
somebody's bad day.

couple of days ago, 
it took me almost three hours to get home after work.
someone told me that the 405 freeway was jammed-
avoid the freeway at all costs.

our vanpool took a detour on the surface streets;
we thought we were being smart.
everyone was smart and took that exact same street, 
so essentially, no car was moving.

bored as can be, 
i nonchalantly took my cell phone out
and flipped through instragram
and one my friend's instastory had a picture of her home
and she wrote, 
"best day ever! it only took me 22 minutes to get home!
left at 4pm and got home at 4:22. 
this never happens!

she probably saved extra time.
with that time, she could have done so many things. 
relax, cook, play, walk, dance, exercise. 
whatever. she was home. 
major prime traffic time and she was home.

i felt a bit jealous!
i had a long day's work,
and my baby is waiting for me. 
wish my commute was 22 minutes... 
at this time, i had no idea 
how long it would take me to get home. 

i closed instagram, and googled "405 freeway accident".
the only reason why a freeway would close would be 
either for construction or accident. 
because there was no notification about construction on the 405,
i figured it was an accident. 

when the search completed,
i had to put my phone down a bit. 

"3 injured in fiery big rig crash on the 405 freeway"

noted the news headline. 

3 people injured?
big rig?

what happened?

i click on the link and saw a big rig flipped over to its side,
tumbled over the median.
apparently,  a silver honda accord is sandwiched somewhere in between
and 3 people had third degree burns over 60% of their body.

a car cut off the truck, 
truck driver tried to avoid it,
ended up sandwiching the honda,
hit the median, causing the rig to tumble across the median, 
the concrete and rocks tumbled over 
and hit the traffic on the other side
causing a 7-vehicle crash in total.

good samaritans came to the rescue and 
helpedthe sandwiched driver out of the fiery car.
the injured folks were transported to ucla hospital right away. 

north bound, south bound, side streets.
it didn't matter. 
every road home was blocked, closed, and immobile. 

then it all came to me like a flash.
my friend had no traffic whatsoever
because of this terrible accident.

she was having the best day ever
because someone had been injured in this terrible car crash.

someone's good day
can be
someone's bad day.

i don't know who the injured people are.
but i am sure they are someone's beloveds. 
and i am also pretty sure none of them got up this morning
and imagined that their bodies would burn up due to a car accident.

someone's mistake,
someone's carelessness,
someone's self-centered mindset,
caused a life altering accident 
on other people's lives. 

this accident affected tens of thousands' lives
as people were stuck in traffic on the most horrible freeway in LA.
this accident changed the lives of the injured and their family members, forever.

with this incident, 
i did not dare to complain about my three hour commute back home. 

instead, i reflected on the fickleness of life,
how without God's grace and mercy,
life is like ashes.

i realized the necessity of being thoughtful and careful about
how i express good things happening in my life...
as it might remind/trigger sad things in other people's lives. 

i reasoned that my one little mistake
can create a domino effect and endanger so many people 
and alter their lives.

this only amplified the nothingness of our being 
and everythingness of God's sovereignty.  

everything is 
under His control, 
at His mercy,
in His grace.

is orchestrated with His divine power.

knowing that i am nothing and at His disposal
makes me feel

nothing, disposal.
these words have no connection to love whatsoever.

but that's how it works in God's kingdom.

in my nothingness, His greatness is revealed.
while i am at His disposal, His grace is amplified.

He demonstrates His love for me
of my life. 

all i have to do is just...
embrace it.

1 Chronicles 29:11-12

Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power
    and the glory and the majesty and the splendor,
    for everything in heaven and earth is yours.

Yours, Lord, is the kingdom;
    you are exalted as head over all.
Wealth and honor come from you;
    you are the ruler of all things.
In your hands are strength and power
    to exalt and give strength to all.


comb over

on my swift walk over to get some groceries, 
i happened to pass by a prestigious senior living center. 
the soft pink building is in the heart of westwood,
and you can't miss it. 
decorated in christmas spirit and the landscape well groomed,
this place was almost extravagant and flawless.
as i was in awe of the cutting-edge trim of the bush, 
an unforgettable image was stamped in my heart.
in between the greenery, someone's head peeked  out.
so white, so thin, and so perfectly straight-- 
you can see where the teeth of the comb had brushed over the hair.
it was a comb over on top of grandpa's head.
you might laugh, but a massive train of thought hit me
to reflect on circle of life.
he could barely move-
i guess he was just taking a nice breather and 
feeling the eminent winter breeze (although it was mild-- we are in CA afterall)...
the nurse came out to take him back inside 
and i noticed that he literally needed the nurse's help to move his leg, move his arms.
he was just blinking... quietly and slowly started to look up to meet her gaze. 

it all happened so quickly, because like i said earlier... i was swiftly on my way to TJ.
but i kept thinking and thinking about what i just saw. 
in order to live in that senior care housing, you have to be rich...
i saw a commercial on that property long ago-- and it was costly. 
so that means... he has money or his family has money.
then i started to think WHY was he not with his family?
are they all gone? did his children not want to take care of him?
were they overwhelmed by his immobility? 
maybe he wanted to stay there? or was he forced in there?
whatever the reason may be, 
i became sad at the cycle of life. 
he probably had a job, had a family, 
had a time where everything went well for him. 
or not. i don't know. it's all in past tense.
but what i do know is,
he is old... and alone.
i guess Job was right when he said
"naked i came from my mother's womb, 
and naked i will depart"

as the comb over grandpa is reaching his life's destination, 
he is alone...
then, this made me think about 
two things...
1. what can i do to live a life not so lonely when i depart this world?
2. if it is within my ability, i will care for my parents and my husband's parents
instead of sending them off to senior care center...
to address the very first topic,
i realized this can be resolved in two part ways. 
first part...
i won't be as sad and lonely if i was certain of where i'll be when i depart this world. 
well, i have that paved out.
i believe. i am saved. i am going to heaven!
the second part is...
i need to be a good person.
where my peers, family members, children, 
will want to be around me...
 i need to show love
i need to be as less burdensome as i can be
i need to bring joy unto others.

i guess... i've got to figure out how to execute that still...
hopefully, the wisdom to achieve this will come with time and age...

and to move onto my second train...
our parents birthed us, raised us...cared for us...
did everything in their power to cater to us...
when do we ever pay them back?

of course, all the nurturing and loving came unconditionally from our parents...
but isn't it rightful to express gratitude?

i think the best way to express it
is not when we are successful or earn a lot of money
but when we love them as they did when we were babies...
when they lose the ability to care for themselves, like a baby.

although not sure how my life will pan out, 
but i promised myself.. that if it ever came down, 
i will willingly take in my parents and my husband's parents
and care for them and show them love.

it's funny how an image of a comb over
brought in this long train of thought, 
but i thought it was worthwhile to share...

because we all grow old...
we'll all be there...


g.i.v.e. t.h.a.n.k.s.

thank you God for my family
thank you God for my boyfriend
thank you God for skimo
thank you God for granting me life
let me live to honor you

thank you God for my job
thank you God for my health
thank you God for sustaining me
let me live to praise your name

thank you God for Jesus
thank you God for salvation
thank you God for calling me your own
thank you God for saving me
let me live to glorify you

thank you...
thank you...
thank you...



구주를 생각만 해도 
내 맘이 좋거든 
주 얼굴 뵈올 때에야 
얼마나 좋으랴 


u n c e r t a i n t y

"My momma always said, 
'Life was like a box of chocolates. 
You never know what you're gonna get.'" 
- Forrest Gump

just a couple years past the quarter life mark,
i find myself wrapped up in a blanket of frustration
mainly caused by the lack of direction of my career. 

right now, i have a valuable job as an administrative specialist
at one of the most renowned higher education universities.
but at the end of the day,
i feel empty because i realize that 
i  can do so much better with the talents under my belt. 

upon graduation from college, 
i thought i wanted to be a PA. then i switched to nursing. then i realized optometry was what i wanted. then i noticed that it's not exactly what i pictured... so i figured physical therapy was the solution. then i applied and didn't get in. 
if it was my true passion, i would have applied again and again until i made it in. 

but something was ringing in my heart, saying that it's not for me. 

so here i am again...
back to point zero.

did i not pray hard enough?
am i just not meant for higher education?
do i give up?
do i try again?

the more uncertainty that builds up in my heart, 
the more cluttered my mind becomes
and the more i can't seem to envision myself
in the light that i dreamed of.

with much thinking, tossing and turning, and soul searching, 
i've come to realize that
the only way to overcome my frustrations at the uncertainty of life
is to to embrace the spontaneity and precariousness of life.

i think this is where faith comes in.
come what may 
i know God has a plan for me
i just need to trust in Him
 in His faithfullness
in His goodness
in His timing.
just trust

because God designed my very life
into perfection, using my weaknesses
to bring glory unto himself.

need i not be anxious or worried.
or frustrated for that matter.

let's see what type of chocolate i'll choose next 
in the delicate box of chocolate 
that God purposefully and intentionally
placed in my life. 

now, whatever it may be anna, 
just enjoy it. 
enjoy the first bite.
enjoy the cover,
enjoy the filling,
enjoy the flavor,
enjoy the texture,
enjoy the aftertaste.

and remember to thank Him.




Psalm 1:1-4
Blessed is the one
    who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
    or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.


just before the start of morning rush in the midst of los angeles traffic hour,
i took some time to pray and eat breakfast, as i read over some Scripture. 

despite the city-life turbulence in my heart and mind, 
i was able to calm myself to wholly focus on my body and soul,
as i briefly prayed for the day, 
ate the hearty pumpkin jook i made,  
and perused through the Bible. 

it was a calm start of the day, 
it felt fresh. 
it's been a while since i took time to relax, sit back and enjoy the moment. 
this compelled me to flip through my Bible to psalms 1. 

the first word of psalms 1 caught my eyes, 

 what does it mean, to be blessed?
the dictionary tells me blessed means:
made holy, consecrated, connected with God.

what does it mean to ME, to be blessed?
i noticed that some people find this word as a replacement for lucky
does it mean happy? satisfaction?
blessed always meant as a result of something being done unto me. 

when i have a good family, i am blessed. 
when i am healthy, i am blessed. 
when i have a good job, i am blessed. 
when i have a loving boyfriend, i am blessed. 
when i have a lot of money, i am blessed.
when i have food on my table, i am blessed. 
and the list goes on. 

but what i realized today is that being blessed  as a result of something being done unto me
is quite temporary and ephemeral. 
family, health, job, boyfriend, money, food...
these things don't last forever.

the psalmist tells me of a blessed life 
that is not a result, 
but is an act in season
cyclical, continuous, and never ending. 

the formula is pretty clear:
-3+2+1= blessed

now, let me elaborate on my nerdy math-scripture reference. 
as you know, negative (-) refers to  something i should NOT DO 
positive (+) refers to something i should DO.

here we go.

Blessed =

does not
walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
    or sit in the company of mockers

do delight
 in the law of the Lord
(i counted delighting in the law of the Lord as 2 because
we need to delight in obeying the law, not just any law, 
but the law that is of God. law + Lord=2)

do meditate
on his law day and night


That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
    whatever they do prospers.


 if you've ever planted a fruit tree, you'll notice that when it's in perfect condition, 
it never dies. 
with perfect water, air, warmth, light, and soil, 
it will continue to blossom flowers, 
bear fruit
in it's season, 
in time. 

for those of us who practice the BLESSED formula 
by not walking, standing and sitting with the wicked, 
but by delighting and meditating on the righteousness, 
the blessed life will come to fruition.
every season, 
in His perfect timing. 

because the Creator God watches over the righteous. 
when we need the physical, emotional, and spiritual
 water, air, warmth, light and soil, 
He will watch over us
and provide that for us. 

what a tremendous comfort that filled my spirit this morning!
thought i'd share it with you too.