




Psalm 1:1-4
Blessed is the one
    who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
    or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.


just before the start of morning rush in the midst of los angeles traffic hour,
i took some time to pray and eat breakfast, as i read over some Scripture. 

despite the city-life turbulence in my heart and mind, 
i was able to calm myself to wholly focus on my body and soul,
as i briefly prayed for the day, 
ate the hearty pumpkin jook i made,  
and perused through the Bible. 

it was a calm start of the day, 
it felt fresh. 
it's been a while since i took time to relax, sit back and enjoy the moment. 
this compelled me to flip through my Bible to psalms 1. 

the first word of psalms 1 caught my eyes, 

 what does it mean, to be blessed?
the dictionary tells me blessed means:
made holy, consecrated, connected with God.

what does it mean to ME, to be blessed?
i noticed that some people find this word as a replacement for lucky
does it mean happy? satisfaction?
blessed always meant as a result of something being done unto me. 

when i have a good family, i am blessed. 
when i am healthy, i am blessed. 
when i have a good job, i am blessed. 
when i have a loving boyfriend, i am blessed. 
when i have a lot of money, i am blessed.
when i have food on my table, i am blessed. 
and the list goes on. 

but what i realized today is that being blessed  as a result of something being done unto me
is quite temporary and ephemeral. 
family, health, job, boyfriend, money, food...
these things don't last forever.

the psalmist tells me of a blessed life 
that is not a result, 
but is an act in season
cyclical, continuous, and never ending. 

the formula is pretty clear:
-3+2+1= blessed

now, let me elaborate on my nerdy math-scripture reference. 
as you know, negative (-) refers to  something i should NOT DO 
positive (+) refers to something i should DO.

here we go.

Blessed =

does not
walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
    or sit in the company of mockers

do delight
 in the law of the Lord
(i counted delighting in the law of the Lord as 2 because
we need to delight in obeying the law, not just any law, 
but the law that is of God. law + Lord=2)

do meditate
on his law day and night


That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
    whatever they do prospers.


 if you've ever planted a fruit tree, you'll notice that when it's in perfect condition, 
it never dies. 
with perfect water, air, warmth, light, and soil, 
it will continue to blossom flowers, 
bear fruit
in it's season, 
in time. 

for those of us who practice the BLESSED formula 
by not walking, standing and sitting with the wicked, 
but by delighting and meditating on the righteousness, 
the blessed life will come to fruition.
every season, 
in His perfect timing. 

because the Creator God watches over the righteous. 
when we need the physical, emotional, and spiritual
 water, air, warmth, light and soil, 
He will watch over us
and provide that for us. 

what a tremendous comfort that filled my spirit this morning!
thought i'd share it with you too.

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