


in my heart

all throughout this week, 
this verse, 
"i have hidden your word in my heart that i might not sin against you"
resonated in my heart and in my ears. 

while driving, sleeping, eating, facebooking... 

hmm... when this happens, usually God's trying to tell me something. 

i shamefully admit that these days,
i've been a sunday christian. 

my passion, fervor, adoration, love and worship for God 
has been lukewarm and mediocre. 
it's one of those phases, where i know it will pass, 
and i know exactly how to get back on track. 

reading the word. 
inviting the Holy spirit into my life, heart, thoughts, mind, body and soul. 

easier said than done...
i've been in this spiritual slump.. since.. 
i don't even remember...

then, something hit me like a lightening bolt; 
i have hidden your word in my heart.
i have hidden your word in my heart. 

realization #1
i cannot do that with my own strength. 
i've been failing to do this 
because i've been leaning on my own strength and will power to do this.
despite my best intentions, my heart still wanders away from this very method.  
i must ask, continually ask, the Lord to help me faithfully and proactively
hide the Word of God in my heart. 

this way... i will not sin against my God. 

realization #2
it's His word in my heart. 
none that are mine, in my heart. 
my utter wish is 
that i will heed to the discipline and instruction of the Lord
operate according to the word of God, which is living and active. 
that i turn to scripture for comfort, guidance and understanding.
that i recognize it's the source of hope, joy and true riches. 
that i develop hearts of wisdom that comes from the Lord and not of this world.
and that i abide in Christ and His ways.

realization #3
i must hide it in my heart because
God does not look at the outward appearance but looks the heart. 
i may fake being a faithful christian
by serving with unfailing dedication at church
but i cannot fake what's in my heart. 
if my heart is filled with His word,
and not with my filthy, sinful desires and thoughts,
i won't be ashamed before God. 

realization #4
in order for me to hide it, 
i must place it deep inside my heart. 
no one hides something by putting it on a shallow surface, where it's visible. 
hiding means, it's placed in a location, where it's nowhere to be seen. 

this is it! 
i must hide His Word in my heart
so that Satan cannot find my hope, strength, purity
and this way, i won't sin against God. 

how can i do this?
i must bury it deep, deep in my heart. 
the more i meditate on it,
the more impressed it will be, 
deep into my heart. 

 "How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to YOUR WORD. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden YOUR WORD in my heart that I might not sin against you. "
~ Psalm 119:9-11
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Please receive instruction from His mouth and establish His words in your heart.
~ Job 22:22
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Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. IMPRESS THEM ON YOUR CHILDREN. TALK ABOUT THEM when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. TIE THEM as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. WRITE THEM on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
~ Deuteronomy 6:5-9


  1. After you told me about that verse last Saturday, I would think of it time to time (but didn't do much about it) and today I was listening to a sermon and it was brought up when talking about how Mary was treasuring/pondering God's Word in her heart. At times, we don't know what God is saying, but she hid God's Word in her heart until He revealed it to her. That's what I do need to do... Ponder/meditate upon His Word with patience even if I don't understand it right away! But yeah, hehe thank you for sharing that with me ;)

    1. hehe christina~ thanks for keeping me accountable.

      i think about you and our conversation very often.

      tehehe so.. when's our next prayer meeting? :)
