


u n c e r t a i n t y

"My momma always said, 
'Life was like a box of chocolates. 
You never know what you're gonna get.'" 
- Forrest Gump

just a couple years past the quarter life mark,
i find myself wrapped up in a blanket of frustration
mainly caused by the lack of direction of my career. 

right now, i have a valuable job as an administrative specialist
at one of the most renowned higher education universities.
but at the end of the day,
i feel empty because i realize that 
i  can do so much better with the talents under my belt. 

upon graduation from college, 
i thought i wanted to be a PA. then i switched to nursing. then i realized optometry was what i wanted. then i noticed that it's not exactly what i pictured... so i figured physical therapy was the solution. then i applied and didn't get in. 
if it was my true passion, i would have applied again and again until i made it in. 

but something was ringing in my heart, saying that it's not for me. 

so here i am again...
back to point zero.

did i not pray hard enough?
am i just not meant for higher education?
do i give up?
do i try again?

the more uncertainty that builds up in my heart, 
the more cluttered my mind becomes
and the more i can't seem to envision myself
in the light that i dreamed of.

with much thinking, tossing and turning, and soul searching, 
i've come to realize that
the only way to overcome my frustrations at the uncertainty of life
is to to embrace the spontaneity and precariousness of life.

i think this is where faith comes in.
come what may 
i know God has a plan for me
i just need to trust in Him
 in His faithfullness
in His goodness
in His timing.
just trust

because God designed my very life
into perfection, using my weaknesses
to bring glory unto himself.

need i not be anxious or worried.
or frustrated for that matter.

let's see what type of chocolate i'll choose next 
in the delicate box of chocolate 
that God purposefully and intentionally
placed in my life. 

now, whatever it may be anna, 
just enjoy it. 
enjoy the first bite.
enjoy the cover,
enjoy the filling,
enjoy the flavor,
enjoy the texture,
enjoy the aftertaste.

and remember to thank Him.

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