i love the warm sunshine.
and today is just too good of a day to be at work.
someone take me to the beach!
people use weather as a segue from hello into other conversations
to avoid the awkward flow.
(which i think sometimes is more awkward but i do it too anyway..)
but i use weather as an indicator of my mood and emotions.
the warm sun makes me happy and warm
the cool breeze makes me want to do something adventurous
the cold rain makes me emo and sluggish
the gloomy cloud makes me want to sit at home and read like there's no tomorrow
the wintery snow makes me want to start new and sets me up into the planning mode.
today, i am happy because it's warm and sunny.
what makes me more happy is that my BIG DADDY
is the creator of the sun, wind, rain, cloud, snow and me.
You made the heavens, even the highest heavens,
and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it,
the seas and all that is in them.
You give life to everything,
and the multitudes of heaven worship you.
nehemiah 9:6
thanks for the reminder. i seem to forget that He is my FATHER. i really need to remember this!